Watch now the new trailer of the Longines Masters - We Ride The World
Thursday 10th September 2015 Los Angeles
With the Longines Masters of Los Angeles less than a month away, the excitement and momentum are building for riders and spectators alike. The American leg of the Master Grand Slam, from October 1 to 4 will kick off the 2015/2016 Longines Masters Series and usher in a new era of high-caliber show jumping events on three continents. 
EEM Creative Director Bruno Danto’s vision for the event is portrayed in this video (hyperlink), which represents all the preparation and dedication of riders around the world and exudes the emotional power and elegance that are a signature part of the Longines Masters. Viewers are allowed a rare glimpse into the adrenaline rush that a rider feels as daily repetitions and improvements culminate in a moment of beauty as he or she sails over the obstacle. 
Watch now